Covid-19 Our Protocols

Your safety is our No.1 priority!

Protocols for the Station House Hotel

We have stepped up precautionary measures here at the Station House Hotel as the safety of our guests and employees is paramount to us! By ensuring that your wellbeing is prioritised without compromising on the guest experience our commitment further enhances our existing protocols and complements exhaustive mandatory preventive measures by government authorities.
All of the Management and Staff here in the Station House Hotel have successfully completed a training course in Hygiene and Safety Control in which we have been awarded the Fáilte Ireland COVID19 Safety Charter. Our absolute priority is the safety of our guests and our team. As such, we always have high standards for cleanliness and hygiene in place, but in response to the COVID-19 novel coronavirus, we have elevated those standards even higher in an effort to maintain a more sterile environment for our guests and our team. We have already made key changes to our hotel and processes to make the Station House Hotel safer, without losing that friendly atmosphere and authentic welcome you've come accustomed to.
We would ask that any customers experiencing flu like symptoms or sickness or have been in contact with a confirmed case to please postpone their visit to a later date. For information updated by the HSE please click here. We will offer you the option of changing the date of your reservation, holding your existing payment as credit against a future booking.

Liên Hệ

Địa chỉ

Station House Hotel,
Lower Main Street,
Co. Donegal,
F92 ERV1

Điện Thoại

353 74 9123100


Vị trí

Gọi Chúng Tôi

353 74 9123100

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